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Appalachian Winter - Cast and Crew Bios




Michael Sunshine Whitmire - Story, Script, Score, Production, Direction, Narration, Live Guitar, Vocals, Video Recordings, Webpage, Graphic Design

Storyteller, mythic mystic, depth ecologist, permaculturalist, and musician, Michael conceived of this performance and found the courage to produce it during a 12-week learning journey with Mycelium School during the summer of 2014. In truth, the seeds had been germinating for a long time before - musicianship with cellist and songwriter Emmalee Hunnicutt, performance with the Whee Ahh Faerie Kin, and multiple months of his seasonal song creativity came together in a vision for this piece in August of 2014.


Visit Michael's home page or msg him via the Contact link above.



Daniel Spaniel Simmons - Acting, Dancing, Mime, Costume

Massage therapist, puppeteer, soccer athlete, jeweler, performer, and father, Danel is a troupe member of Asheville's Whee Ahh Faerie Kin, much loved in his many puppets and costumes.  He also played a Corvid in Fox and Beggar's Theater's Animalia in Spring of 2014.


Nara Hari Dasi - Acting, Dancing, Vocals, Production, Costumes

Hailing from the West Virginia mountains, graduate in performing arts at Naropa in Boulder, CO, Nara is a veteran Fringer, stiltwalker, costumer, and faerie. She works with the Whee Ahh Faerie Kin and appeared as a tall white bird in Animalia in 2014. She also creates fantastical garments as a wee latex elf at Asheville's infamously crafty and internationally-known Organic Armor in the River Arts District.


Joy Harmon - Acting, Dancing, Poetry

Artist, supporter, mentor, Joy is also an educator for all ages, a medicine woman, grandmother, and homeschool provider. Director of the Swan Educational Center based out of Asheville, Joy writes, "My role (Wise Old Woman Moon) is a natural expression of my holistic and all-age-inclusive approach to learning through exploration, discovery, and implementation. Just as at Swan Education, where learners mix new and old ideas as well as diverse student populations!"


Emmalee Hunnicutt - Live Cello, Score, Songwriting, Vocals

Classically-trained cellist, massage therapist, singer, songwriter, and performer, Emmalee hails from the midwest and loves the Southern Appalachian mountains. She has performed with the Hendersonville Symphony, Johnson City orchestra, and the Asheville symphony, as well as at various venues around town both solo and collaboratively. She is a lover of sound, silence, and the natural world. Listen to her guitar-based singer-songwriter music at myspace and her more recent experimental-classical looping cello on bandcamp and soundcloud.



Daniel Mesmer Louton - Drum, Percussion

Hypnotherapist, percussionist, real estate agent in training -- Mesmer has trained on drum in Ireland with Dead Can Dance's own Brendan Perry. A fan of the metaphysical, the financial, the rhythm of the drum and the music of the spheres, he lends his listening ear and nimble fingers to this winter performance. 


Cece Hue and Geneva Bierce-Wilson - Shadow Puppetry

Puppeteer and craftswoman, Cece crafted and, along with Geneva, runs the shadow puppets in the performance. Geneva also helped with the Bear costume. They are both active members of Street Creature, Asheville's giant puppet collective, Thanks to Street Creature for sharing rehearsal space with us at the North Asheville Community Center during the weeks prior to the show.



Sabio - Video and Projections

Lending calm, caring support and aesthetic insight, Sabio assembled, wizards, and runs the video projections portion of this performance. His friend and assistant Grey designed the psychedelia projections during the Birth scene. 


Sabio writes, "My artistic journey began at 3, and continued through drums and percussion throughout my life, now as a scientist in a lab full of magic in Appalachia. Intermittent stints in visual realms have helped craft my taste and experience with vibration to a world of different.  


"In 2011, I took on the moniker of The Glad Scientist. This included extensive field recordings spliced with transcendental audiobook samplings ... and evolved to encompass ancient instruments, experimental websites, audio-reactive geometric installations, and live visual presentations. I spread light through art. That is the goal, a journey and joy."


Ash Devine - Directing Assist, Consult

Ash Devine consulted as co-director for two rehearsals, lending her aesthetic, experience, and grounded presence to the evolution of the show.  for this performance, Ash Devine is known throughout the Southern Appalachians and beyond as a storyteller, singer-songwriter, ritual theatre producer, clown, and social and ecological activist. Thanks Ash!


Jason Cronk 

Manager at The Odditorium, Jason took the helm on the sound and light board in an astounding single-run-through feat of mindful presence. Thanks so much for your time and willingness Jason, you have been a huge support and an integral member of this crew.

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